Surgical urology and andrology

Medita Clinic in Tartu and Tallinn holds a valid contract with the Tervisekassa for covering the day treatment and day surgery services in urology.

Dr Tanel Muul, Dr Mihhail Žarkovski, Dr Jaanus Kahu are the Urologists and Dr Kristo Ausmees is the Urologist-Andrologist in the Medita Clinic in Tartu.

Dr Rauno Okas and Dr Andres Kotsar are the Urologists and Dr Kristo Ausmees is the Urologist-Andrologist in the Medita Clinic in Tallinn.

For providing day treatment and day surgery services, we ask you to first register for an ambulatory consultation with the appropriate medical specialist.

Over 2100 surgical procedures and operations are performed at Medita Clinic in a year.